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FOUBERT Brandon / Applications traces
Apache License 2.0This project contains tools to generate traces from IoT applications with the FIT IoT-Lab testbed.
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semantic_programs / Program_Descriptions
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThis project aims to manage metadata associated with a program, its description.
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the program description used in the project programdescription. This is a collection of program descriptions.
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CADBIOM is an open source modelling software. Based on Guarded transition semantic, it gives a formal framework to help the modelling of biological systems such as cell signaling network.
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the program description used in the project programdescription. This is a collection of program description in json format.
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FUN / Demo FIT light map
Apache License 2.0Lightmap solution for IoT-LAB contest. NodeJS server application, providing a REST API and an HTML visualization.
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LETORT Sebastien / Program_Descriptions
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyModules and program to describe a program. Short term objectives are rdf description and docker file annotation.
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Some template for Squall application. Squall translate natural language in SPARQL.
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